According to a recent study conducted by Interest.com, most Americans may have had their personal information stolen multiple times in 2019. “There are many variables at play when determining how many times your data may have been compromised last year,” the report said.
“Folks who use the internet more often, log in to a large number of accounts each day or aren’t online much at all have different risks,” the report added. The report points out that the breaches vary in severity. In other cases, however, such as the Facebook data breaches, exposed personal information has been documented as showing up in places like the dark web, where the information is often picked up by cybercriminal organizations.
In April 2019, third-party Facebook app datasets were exposed. One database had more than 540 million records with account names, Facebook IDs and other personal data.
A few months later, in July 2019, a data leak at First American Financial Corp., the largest real estate title insurance company in the U.S., exposed transaction records of 885 million individuals.
Records included bank account numbers and statements, mortgage and tax records, Social Security numbers, wire transaction receipts and drivers license images. The digitized records were available without authentication to anyone with a Web browser.