for the Enterprise
Endpoint Protection
Employee Benefit

Studies now show that over 90% of enterprise breaches begin with a successful phishing attack to an endpoint. This is frequently followed by the installation of spyware, specifically a keylogger. Keyloggers are one of the most common, yet dangerous components of malware and are used to gain access credentials needed to advance a breach. In fact, keyloggers were at the helm of some of the biggest breaches of our time including large retailers, banks and health organizations.
The only solution to STOP zero-day keyloggers
Perimeter and Network security fail to completely lock down the endpoint as "zero day" keyloggers (those not yet discovered and catalogued by antivirus) continue to make their way into organizations. In addition, may keyloggers are polymorphic, meaning they have the ability to change form to evade antivirus and go on undetected for months and sometimes years. EndpointLock™ Keystroke Encryption eliminates the ability of a keylogger to capture keystrokes on your device, even those which are "zero-day and polymorphic.
EndpointLock is sold as a stand alone product to the enterprise to protect all endpoints including BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). In addition, EndpointLock is bundled with our CyberIDLock Identity Theft Protection Plan which is sold to organizations as an Employee Benefit Plan.
Keystroke Transport Layer Security™ (KTLS™)
While SSL and TLS begin strong cryptography at Layer 4 or, the Transport Layer within the OSI, KTLS (Keystroke Transport Layer Security) begins strong cryptography from the kernel level at ring 0 and encrypts all keystrokes. Traditional keystroke data flows through a series of steps before it appears in your monitor. Hidden in these steps in an area of vulnerability where keyloggers can be installed. ACS EndpointLock Desktop for Windows proactively encrypts all keystrokes at the kernel, the point of data entry, and re-routes the encrypted keystrokes around the vulnerability through its own "Out of Band" channel, a separate path that is invisible to keyloggers, which is protected with a military-grade 256-bit encryption code.

KTLS™ protects your keystrokes by creating an alternate pathway, routing your data around the area of vulnerability. As a second level of security, this new pathway is protected by a complex 256bit encryption code.
EndpointLock Mobile
Supports: Apple iPhones & iPads, Android Phones & Tablets.
BYOD (Bring your own device)
Logging into VPN
Entering PII (Personal Identifiable Information)
Entering EHR (Electronic Health Records)
An estimated 16 million mobile devices are infected with mobile malware, with threats constantly on the rise. Traditional keystroke data flows from your mobile keyboard through your operating system before it appears in your apps. Hidden along the way are areas of vulnerability where cyber criminals can plant keylogging spyware. With (BYOD) Bring your own device and mobile cyber attacks both increasing, enterprises must address security with tools to thwart the massive vulnerabilities that exist when using infected apps and phishing emails and messages, which download keylogging spyware.
EndpointLock™ for Mobile protects your keystroke data by installing a secure encrypted keyboard that creates an alternate pathway to your apps, routing your encrypted data around the areas of vulnerability. For added security, the EndpointLock™ pathway is protected by a complex 256-bit encryption code.